Tesla Model 3 Owners & Service Manuals

Tesla Model 3: Approved Methods for Transporting

Note: The tires are allowed to rotate slowly (under 3 mph or 5 km/h) and for a very short distance (less than 30 feet or 10 meters) only when Transport Mode is enabled while the vehicle is being winched onto a flatbed truck or pulled out of a parking space for repositioning. Exceeding these boundaries can lead to significant damage and overheating that is not covered by the warranty.

A flatbed truck or comparable transport vehicle is the recommended method of transporting Model 3. The vehicle can face either direction when using a flatbed.

Approved Methods for Transporting

If Model 3 must be transported without a flatbed truck, then wheel lifts and dollies must be used to ensure that all four wheels are off of the ground. This method may only be used for a maximum of 35 miles (55 km), and must not exceed the manufacturer speed rating of the dollies. With this method, Tesla recommends the vehicle facing forward so that the front wheels are lifted and the rear wheels are on dollies.

Approved Methods for Transporting

Caution: Enable Transport Mode (see Activate Transport Mode) before winching Model 3 onto a flatbed truck (see Pull onto the Flatbed Truck). If Transport Mode is not available or the touchscreen is not accessible, self-loading dollies or tire skates must be used to load the vehicle into the approved transportation position. Tesla is not responsible for any damage caused by or during the transport of Model 3, including personal property damage or damage caused by using self-loading dollies or tire skates.

Warning: Model 3 is equipped with high voltage components that may be compromised as a result of a collision. Before transporting Model 3, it is important to assume these components are energized. Always follow high voltage safety precautions (wearing personal protection equipment, etc.) until emergency response professionals have evaluated the vehicle and can accurately confirm that all high voltage systems are no longer energized. Failure to do so may result in serious injury.


     Activate Transport Mode

    Transport Mode keeps the parking brake disengaged while winching Model 3 onto a flatbed truck. When active, Transport Mode displays a message indicating that the vehicle will remain free-rolling.

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