Tesla Model 3 Owners & Service Manuals

Tesla Model 3: Exterior Trim


 Applique - B-Pillar - LH (Remove and Replace)

 Applique - B-Pillar - LH (Remove and Replace) - Remove

Remove Open the LH front and rear doors. Release the clips that attach the B-pillar applique fastener cover to the vehicle, and then remove the cover. Remove the bolts that attac

 Applique - B-Pillar - LH (Remove and Replace) - Install

Install Connect the camera connectors to the B-pillar applique, and then position the applique onto the vehicle. Install the bolts that attach the B-pillar applique to the body.  To


 Hub - Front - LH (Dual Motor) - Install

Install Use a magnetic field viewing card to check the LH front hub's tone ring. Line up the LH front drive unit halfshaft splines, and then install the LH front hub on the LH front knuckle. Install the bolts that attach the LH front hub to the LH front knuckle. Torque 85 Nm Install

 Child Safety Seat Warnings

Warning: Extreme hazard! Do not seat a child on the front passenger seat even if you are using a child safety seat. This seat has an airbag in front of it. Although this airbag is disabled when Model 3 detects a lightweight passenger, do not rely on technology to protect your child. Warning:

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