Tesla Model 3: Skull Cap - Door Mirror - LH (Remove and Replace)
Outside Edge of Skull Cap
Inside Edge of Skull Cap
- Pull outward to release the clips that attach the rear of the LH door
mirror skull cap to the LH door mirror.
- Pry up along the inside and outside edge of the LH door mirror skull cap,
working toward the front of the skull cap.
- Release the remaining clips that attach the LH door mirror skull cap to
the LH door mirror, and then remove the skull cap from the door mirror.
Installation procedure is the reverse of removal.
- Position the LH door mirror skull cap over the LH door mirror, and align
the skull cap tabs to the door mirror.
Outside Edge of Skull Cap
- Push down on the top of the LH door mirror skull cap to fasten the clips
that attach the skull cap to the LH door mirror.
Inside Edge of Skull Cap
Note: Press at the inside and outside edges of the skull cap, until
an audible click is heard.
Open the LH front and rear doors.
Release the clips that attach the B-pillar applique fastener cover to
the vehicle, and then remove the cover.
Remove the bolts that attac
Remove the LH instrument panel end cap. See
End Cap - Instrument Panel - LH (Remove and Replace).
Remove the LH and RH air wave end caps. See
End Cap - Air Wave - LH (Remove and Replace).
Remove the main instrument panel decor trim. See
Decor Trim - Instrument Panel - Main (Remove a
This procedure assumes the cowl screen carrier bracket, headlight grommet,
and underhood storage unit clips on the fender assembly being replaced are
undamaged. Inspect these components and if necessary, replace with new parts.
Remove the rear underhood apron. See Underhood Apron - Rea