Tesla Model 3: Module - Body Controller - Security- Install
- Install the screws (x2) that attach the security body controller module
to the cup holder decor panel.
Torque 1.6 Nm
- Connect the electrical connector to the security body controller module.
- Attach the clips (x6) that attach the cup holder decor panel to the
center console assembly.
- Install the RH bright strips: Start with the corner nearest to the IP
carrier, and then continue towards the rear. Repeat this step on the LH
bright strip.
LH shown, RH similar
- Install the screws (x7) that attach the RH bright strip to the center
console assembly. Repeat this step on the LH bright strip.
Torque 1.6 Nm
- Install the RH center console decor trim, and then repeat this step on
the LH center console decor trim. See
Decor Trim - Center Console (Remove and Replace).
- Reconnect 12V power, but do not install the rear underhood apron at this
time. See
12V Power (Disconnect and Connect).
- Connect a laptop with Toolbox to the vehicle.
- In Toolbox, type "VCSEC" in the search tab.
Note: Make sure "Actions" is selected, if not already.
- In Toolbox, click the play button next to the "PING-TP_VCSEC" and select
Note: This action will ensure communication with the newly
installed VCSEC.
- Use Toolbox to update the vehicle firmware.
- Log into Garage using the laptop, and then search for the VIN or vehicle
- From the SUMMARY tab, click Delete VCSEC Certificate, and then click OK
on the pop up window.
This action CANNOT be undone.
Note: This action will remove associated VCSEC certificate from the
- In Toolbox, click the play button next to "PROC_VCSEC_X_PROVISIONING"
and select Run.
Note: This action secures VCSEC by exchanging encryption
keys and certificate with Tesla and the vehicle.
Note: Customer's phone will need to be re-paired to the vehicle
after completing this entire procedure.
- In Toolbox, click the play button next to "TEST-SELF_VCSEC_X_ENDPOINT-COMM"
and select Run.
Note: This action checks endpoint communication ability.
- In Toolbox, click the play button next to "repair_network.ODIN_VCSEC_pairNFCCard"
and select Run.
- Put the NFC key cards on the center console behind the cup holders.
Note: 2 NFC key cards are required when pairing, either 2
NFC key cards that have never been programmed, or one programmed NFC key card
and one that has never been programmed.
- In Toolbox, type the number of key cards to be paired to the vehicle,
and then select Run Network.
- In Toolbox, select the environment/garage type for the vehicle.
Note: If the routine fails, select retry.
- Check the function of the new programmed NFC card keys: Tap each of the
NFC key cards on the LH exterior B-pillar area to lock and unlock the
vehicle, and then put one NFC key card at a time on the center console
behind the cup holders and step on the brake pedal to start the vehicle.
- In Toolbox, type "IMMOBILIZER" in the search tab.
- In Toolbox, click the play button next to "PROC_DI_X-IMMOBILIZER" and
select Run.
Note: This action will pair new VCSEC with DI to the
initialize the immobilizer.
- In Toolbox, type "ODOMETER" in the search tab.
- In Toolbox, click the play button next to "PROC-DID_DI_VEHICLE-ODOMETER"
and select Run.
- In Toolbox, type "RESET_DI" in the search tab.
- In Toolbox, click the play button next to "TEST-RESET_DI" and select
Note: This action runs a routine to clear alerts.
Note: Make sure to select routine for "DI UDS ECU Reset."
- Disconnect the laptop from the vehicle.
- Install the rear underhood apron. See
Underhood Apron - Rear (Remove and Replace).
- Close the hood.
- Move the driver seat and front passenger seat fully forward.
- Install the 2nd row lower seat cushion. See
Seat Cushion - Lower - 2nd Row (Remove and Replace).
- Restore the driver seat and front passenger seat back to their original
Remove the front fascia assembly. See
Fascia - Front (Remove and Install).
Disconnect the connector from the battery backed siren.
Remove the bolt that attaches the battery backe
Remove the rear underhood apron. See
Underhood Apron - Rear (Remove and Replace).
Remove the cabin intake duct. See
Duct - Cabin Intake (Remove and Replace).
Remove the hood latch cover
Insulation Multimeter, Fluke 1507 (NA)
Insulation Multimeter, Fluke 1587 (EMEA)
This procedure was derived from pre-production computer
models, and might not reflect the real-world situation. Warnings
and cautions might be missing. Follow safety requirements and
use extreme caution when working on or near